The Uncle Floyd Show (1974–1995)
Amazing part of my childhood.
18 September 2013
I began watching Uncle Floyd back when I was 9 yeas old or so.

It was completely irreverent wonderful and fun. Uncle Floyd reach out to his fan base like no other performer of the day. Any fan could create a local fan-club. I was president of fan club 186 which was part of my street address and had no reality on how many clubs there were.

Every week he featured a viewer and I will never forget when I was chosen as viewer of the week and received an award.

When I was 10 years old I got very sick and had brain surgery. Uncle Floyd got a letter from my father asking if he could send me a t shirt. Floyd Vivino did one better. He called me up and told me that Skip Rooney visits the same hospital sometimes but in the closed ward of the loony bin.

Uncle Floyd came to visit me in the hospital and gave me the first copy of his first 45 "Deep in the Heart of Jersey" by Cowboy Charlie and La De Da Da by Oogie on the flip side.

Gosh I love what that man did for me and the show never stopped being fun.
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