Surprisingly Hilarious
16 September 2013
Admittedly I expected a typical straight-to-DVD teen sex comedy with a few laughs and some hot naked girls. What I got was a movie that made me laugh almost constantly from beginning to end, and the times I wasn't laughing was because there was actually a real, tender moment on screen, which I didn't expect from a movie that opened with a nipple joke. Seriously, the serious moments are unexpected, but a highlight of a movie that's all about sex.

The storyline is thin and underdeveloped, but that's not important to your enjoyment of the film. Would it be better with a little more development of a couple story lines? Yes, but if you like to laugh, you won't mind that the plots are a little thin.

The story revolves around a group of friends and their younger high school age siblings who are spending time together while parents are on vacation. They're old friends and nothing is off limits as they discuss, brag and reminisce about the good times. It's all sex, but without the typical vulgarity. i would say the words used - like 'weiner' - are actually typical when telling sex stories in mixed company. The main character, Sachem, tells a lot of the stories, to the dismay of his girlfriend (played to perfection by Elizabeth Schmidt), while agonizing over whether he wants to move across country. He appears to be ignorant and rude, but he's trying to push her away, which will make his decision to move much easier. He's torn between his love and his dream and I think this plot line is done very well.

Meanwhile everyone else is trying to get laid. The older brother is hilarious as the guy who shouldn't be hanging out, but loves the girls who love him back. The older girls don't fall for his schtick, but the younger girls are instantly in love. There is a crazy guy who has an odd sexual fetish and a younger overweight kid who doesn't say much, but when he does, it's hysterical. The girls are all hot -and there are 6-8 of them.

If you like to laugh, and don't mind sex jokes, this movie is for you. I think the reason it's so funny is because it wasn't made to be a by-the-numbers teen sex comedy straight to DVD ripoff. It's an indie film shot in someone's house who had no barriers and probably didn't have to answer to anyone and just made a hilarious movie. And if you're worried about the "indie" aspect, don't be - it was shot on film, looks professional, has a good soundtrack - and most of the acting is very good. I'd dare to say the acting is better than most teen movies.
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