A strange, nihilistic film about the apparent end of the world...
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Nihilistic really is the best way to describe this movie, which is the term I've read multiple times before watching it. People who say that are correct. The basic idea of the movie is that God appears before a high school boy in the middle of class as a miniature, balding man with a Kansai dialect. He tells our hero that the world is ending and the "evil one" has descended upon the earth.

However, each time God appears before the boy, the story seems to change...

Early on in the movie after telling his parents he'll live as he pleases, beating his classmate to near-death with a bat and kidnapping the girl of his dreams, it's obvious: our hero didn't see God. He's simply batshit crazy.

So, the movie simply revolves around an insane boy and characters who seem to have no care in the world. At times, the movie can seem pretty depressing, just because of this strange, nihilistic feeling it gives off throughout.

It isn't a horrible movie, but it will absolutely not appeal to everybody. The story is purposely all over the place to not even there it seems. It's almost as the writer threw down the strangest possible situations and mixed them all together. The result is actually really interesting though, and despite the poor filmography at times and absolutely insane story, it's a decent movie. It's almost hard to recommend it though, because it's a hard-to-explain film, for sure.
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