Forever 16 (2013 TV Movie)
Well done and Andrea Roth is excellent in the roll of Raven
24 August 2013
The made for TV movie "Forever 16" runs smoothly on a par as the Lost Girl/Supernatural series' but more tastefully done. That is to say without all the sex scenes the producers seem to think we need. It has great suspense and moves along quitewell. Andrea Roth plays Raven the vampire very well and she has greatfacial expressions and actions that are believable of a teenage girl. She has made her mark as an actress with other parts but has done very well with this one. I would actually love to see this made into a series, tho, it would take at least (2) shows for each new school she visits for the drama and suspense to be effective. The plot is established as the new street drug "Sugar" is becoming deadly for some students and others will kill over it. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars as a fantasy/sci-fi type show, compared to others airing on TV right now. Some series on TV right now only deserve a 3 or 4 star rating. I would love to see more shows that are so well written and put together like this one. I hope others can see the potential of this becoming a series, so let's hear it.
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