Sleep deprivation
6 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the idea of this episode and enjoyed it to some extent, but perhaps the writers tried a little hard.

I'll confess upfront that I don't really enjoy this Sarah Connor (or her hair style or terrible accent). It's not helped either that her character has been neglected.

Sarah is not the only one that the writers have failed to flesh out. If I were to try to pick the most wooden character of the series I'd have plenty to choose from. Even John, but he's cool and pretty enough and the future leader of man kind, so I can let that one slide. Maybe there are just too many characters and not enough screen time.

I've become a little bored with the series. At this point in I'm wondering if I can even be bothered to ride it through to the end.

I think what happened was that back at the desert warehouse, Sarah was knocked out. She was then taken somewhere, drugged and questioned by Winston. Which begs the question as to when she actually got shot in the leg. Maybe it was all in her head (while her leg was being taken care of). Or perhaps this whole outing occurred after the wake.

If you look at the episode Desert Cantos, she seems in pretty good shape as she lifts herself through a window. The dialogue that John Henry records states that someone had been shot at the warehouse, presumably Winston. In which case the pair of them make a speedy recovery.

So perhaps Sarah never got shot at all and we had a couple of episodes of delirious paranoia. After all, am I supposed to believe that Sarah doggedly went through every surveillance tape of each employee? That would have required a lot of video forwarding and a lot of popcorn. Best leave that sort of job to the cyborg.

Highlights: the Coyote and Cameron in her underwear.
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