Review of Excused

Excused (2011–2013)
Everybody is Right and Everybody is Wrong
3 September 2013
What is Happening Here?

What this "show" is about is FEMDOM, pure and simple. It takes all the nice elements about women & loving relationships and throws them in the sewer,over and over again, by a female -none the less! By the way, She is not that attractive, especially when she contorts her face. Uggghhh!!

It is not about laughs, or male/female harmony, it is all about social re-engineering. The host demonstrates how most women think in their minds, but do not verbalize to others. In other words, What goes on in a crazy bitches mind. This show facilitates the idea that this is normal female behavior and keeps delivering the same message.

Reverse the gender roles for a minute, if the host were a male, this show would be insanely funny, because it would be considered "normal" male behavior, but it would not fit the "Political Correctness" politics of the Hollywood social re-engineers. So, that's why they use a female - Get It!

Well, I hope you get the idea, because this is the future of Mass Media in America, in movies, music, ads,in the work place - everywhere.

Total Social Gender Destruction & Chaos, that's what the Hollywood product is now, I agree with one of other reviewers, Hollywood has lost all forms of highly creative thinking.

Just think, Technology has created a world of endless creative possibilities and this is all they can imagine, along with Forrest Gump, Shreck, Cops & Narcotic Traffickers and now another Batman movie.

This whole industry exists purely for profit.
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