Granite Flats (2013–2015)
Not just for Kids
27 August 2013
Completely enjoyable for all ages and non Mormon's need not fear this is a proselytizing tool. While the show is wholesome and honors Later Day Saint moral standards there is no direct or indirect Mormon content in the production.

The plot is interesting and holds your attention, young and old. You should note that it is a serial and needs to be viewed in sequence.

The cast and writing work well and any unevenness is easily forgiven when you accept that this is after all a University production.

If you enjoyed shows in the past like Sky King or Lassie and lament that TV has lost its sense of innocence you will love this.

The episodes are free to watch on the BYUTV web page so you can give the first episode a test run and see for yourself what I like about this production.
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