Daughters of the Sun
26 August 2013
This movie tells the story of young girl Amanagol whose head was shaved by her father then she was dressed as a male, given the male name of Aman and sent far from home where she was apprenticed to a carpet maker who exploited those who worked for him. I found this movie thought provoking and sad. It was slow moving with very little dialogue but then that made it more poignant and powerful. The slow tempo of the movie showed the monotony and drudgery of Amanagol's daily life and struggles as she slaved at the loom all day long, locked into her prison of toil. At the end of each day when the other young female workers went home to their families she remained alone and isolated. She never spoke much but the hopelessness and despair showed in her face. What screamed out to the viewer was the total powerlessness of all the women who were so controlled by men and their circumstances. My heart went out to her and her predicament especially when her cruel master beat her. The stark and barren scenery added to the mood. The actress that played Amanagol(Aman) gave a fine performance and was able to show her pain and anguish without words. Without giving the ending away, I found that it gave me some sense of satisfaction. I will never look at Persian carpets without remembering this movie and having a greater appreciation for the human labour that goes into making them.
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