Good idea but no cigar
22 August 2013
Nice idea and comes close to the truth. However there has never been enough evidence to prove the existence of two planes at the Towers and a plane at the pentagon.(They may have the Pentagon part right.) The videos shown as proof were basically cartoons. The plane that was seen at the site was a flyby commented on by Diane Sawyer. No 'black' boxes were discovered. No engines except one planted one of the wrong size. The ones who got the story right prove that NO PLANES went into buildings on 9/11. Not even drones or remote controlled planes. I would like to see this film, although certainly not for $20 as it is just an example of more disinformation foisted on the public to muddy the waters even more. The media which partners with the government is as culpable. No surprise as they all wear the same stripes.
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