Time Warrior (2012)
Was the casting director on drugs? There is some bad movies but this one takes the pee!
22 August 2013
Wow, what can I say... this film is just bad! Bad, bad, bad...

Bad acting - REALLY bad acting, bad, terrible script and really badly thought out as a story.

Seriously, the acting in this was absolutely desperate. Whoever thought the young people and adults in this were good enough to gain a place on movie film, must have had pure rocks in their head. I genuinely couldn't (and still can't) believe that someone would actually hire people this bad at acting. They make Miley Cyrus look like an Oscar winner and that's saying something!

What drugs was the casting person(s) on when they hired this lot? I could normally single people out for bad acting in some films but I didn't have to bother here. They ALL were desperate. Admittedly some stood out far, far worse than others - including the main actor but they were all in the same class obviously when a teacher failed to teach then how to act in front of a camera and speak!

The script was just so badly wrote all the way through, it actually became funny. So convoluted, so much dragging the bottom of the barrel for over used phrases and pauses for dramatic effect. So predictable! It was just, just so desperately bad. No kidding!

The story itself could have been wrote on the back of a postcard - and I suspect it was! Pity when they finished, they didn't post it into the bin...

I tried watching it as I'm a good sci-fi fan but this whole farce was that bad that I found myself forwarding through parts of it - I just couldn't suffer many scenes, they were that crap and far too drawn out.

Unless your into inflicting serious mental pain upon yourself, avoid this one like the total plague. When available on DVD, all I can say is that at least you got an extra table coaster then for your hot drink or glass of beer to rest on. Other than that, use the DVD of this film for frisbee target practice toward the nearest rubbish container.

Just bad, bad, bad...

(P.S. I had to give the film a rating of "one" - sadly there was no "zero" available.)
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