The little wit it has is ruined by awful acting.
13 August 2013
This is my first written review but I thought I have a go as no one else have so far. Anyhow, I'm going to keep it short as there isn't really much to say.

There really isn't any proper story to speak of just cliché sitcom type jokes edited together in some sort of chronological order. A few of the jokes however, had the potential of being pretty funny but is totally ruined by crappy acting and poor timing.

It doesn't help either that the two main female characters have the same body language and sparkling charm as a alcoholic middle aged polish cleaning lady with anger management issues. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or done as part of a broad joke. Either way it doesn't work.

I gave it three stars only because there is actually 3-4 jokes that most probably looked really good on paper.
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