The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Man Upstairs (1988)
Season 2, Episode 5
Challenges suspension of disbelief in more ways than one
20 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really strange story that requires the viewer to have unshakable faith in the central protagonist, a young boy. While the sinister character Mr. Koberman is undeniably suspicious & frightening, the boy may be the real creep in this tale. This "vampire" (as they never say for certain that Mr. Koberman IS a vampire, rather just a vague confirmation of his monster status)story goes pretty predictably, a strange but seemingly harmless Hungarian man arrives at the inn & sets off progressively more suspicious alarms to the boy. When a female student goes out one night & never returns at the same time when Koberman also went out, the boy sneaks into his room & discovers pictures of what are alluded to be his female victims & pictures of himself from older times where he appears to be the same age as the current time. HERE is where the story takes a strange turn that I'm not sure as a viewer we were intended to be disturbed. The boy plays on Koberman's aversion to silver & apparently somehow feeds him silver coins. We didn't know this prior to seeing the boy stab the man in his "sleep" with a knife & come downstairs to show his grandmother one of the organs he surgically removed from his body.

Maybe the strangest part of the story, at least to me, was that the police just take the boy 100% at his word when he says that Koberman was still alive even after he began to remove his organs (we DO see the organ still pulsating when he shows his grandmother, to be fair), still though I have a hard time believing that police would show up to a corpse that a boy removed organs from because he was "a vampire" & have complete & immediate faith in that being the truth. I'd recommend not letting children watch this episode in case they ever met someone of Eastern descent, wouldn't want them murdering an innocent person in their sleep because they saw a boy do it on TV & with no consequences.
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