This movie could have been so much more...
18 August 2013
"An Invisible Sign" really had potential to be something unique, sadly, it turned out not to spread out all of its potential. It was a shame, because the movie really did have a beautiful story at heart, it was just directed and told in a manner that really didn't make use of everything the movie and the actors had to offer.

The story in "An Invisible Sign" is about Mona Gray (played by Jessica Alba) who has withdrawn herself into a world of math after her father (played by John Shea) became suddenly ill. Without work and means of supporting herself, Mona finds herself having to live on her own for the first time. Luckily her mother (played by Sonia Braga) manages to find Mona a teaching job at the local school as a math teacher. Untrained for teaching, Mona finds herself thrust into a parental role to some of the children as they have very real problems and crisis of their own.

What made the movie worthwhile watching was the acting put on by all the actors and actresses that were in the movie, because they really delivered some amazing performances. However, it was limited how much they had to work with here, and it was a shame, because this limitation really held back what could have been awesome performances.

The characters in the movie were distinctive, unique and very nicely carved out with their quirks, traits and personalities. And the characters were persons and individuals that you immediately bought into, taking a liking or a disliking to.

There was untapped potential in this movie, and the world will never get to see what a beautiful story the movie could have bloomed into in the hands of the right storyteller.
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