Lovemakers (2011)
I'm a bit disappointed (well, quite a bit)
18 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just like the gentleman in the other preview, I'm also a big fan of the 1st movie and I started to watch this one with a great interest (after 2 years of the original release, I might admit). Like I wrote before, I have seen the 1st movie and I was surprised how much the Hungarian film industry grown in the last decade. It was one of the greatest I have seen in many years. The story line, the characters, the whole thing was floating and got cooked together in a great entertaining way. However and unfortunately, I can not say the same thing about the sequel. Also being Hungarian, it is difficult to write a neutral review, especially a negative one. I believe the story (well let's say 80%) was OK. The acting part including all the actors were 95%. The foreign actors were up to their standards and even most of the Hungarians as well. And now comes what is difficult to write down, especially since I'm not at all a film critic or anything, so who am I to say anything bad? However. The editing and especially the directing part was simply awful. It could have been a great sequel, which is a very rare and difficult thing, because most of the sequels are worse, than the 1st movies. However, with the story and all the acting material at hand, it should have been a same quality movie as the 1st one was (or perhaps even better). I know it is easy to criticize from outside (not knowing all the circumstances), but, I honestly hope that, if anybody will do a 3rd part of these movies, that person will not even consider to use the same director. Which is a shame, since he has done a great job with the 1st movie, but not so with the 2nd one (maybe he got scared from the foreign actors). Well, whichever way, the 3rd movie could only be better, than this one and hopefully (with a great story line and actors) the director will also find the real himself to create something what's a worthy continuation. Well, better luck (more focus and concentration) next time! The actors will definitely deserve better (not to mention the audience). Few last words. Please do not think that my intention is to keep you away from this movie. If you have a chance, it is worth watching. Just keep in mind that great movies and directors also had a not so great foundation, on which they grow up and at the end nobody talks about the 1st steps and the road, but about the success at the end. Let's not forget the road as well, so we will remember where they all came from and how they become successful in the film industry and support them to do even better next time!
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