Robert McKee Meets Joe Pesci
17 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After contributing an opinion on LAST DAY DREAM I noticed the other contributer on the page recommended this film as being along the same lines though done much more better and after seeing it I can see where he Mo is coming from . This is a very engaging short film on the finality and fragility of life , here today gone tomorrow school of thought If there's a problem it's that I perhaps found the story leading up to it to be better than the rather prosaic second half where Anders experiences his death dream . In fact the first half with Anders teaching in class is the highlight as he chastises and criticise his writing class . Quite right too . It's a bit like this website where any illiterate degenerate with the intellectual capacity of a rabid stoat thinks they're Tolstoy and bombard the site with meagre scribblings that are no more than a plot summary and cast list devoid of any analytical thought

In fact Anders is more decent and principled than he is given credit for . In some ways he resembles Robert McKee the abrasive guru famous for his screen writing classes ( Still writing Mrs Columbo Bob ? ) but he wants to see his students succeed or fail which I guess makes him better than just someone who goes to work simply for the money . As it turns out he bumps in to a bank robbery by Ryan O Riley . Well actually the bank robber is unnamed but played by Dean Winters of OZ fame and if you think Winters might be too close to his character in the HBO series then imagine if he was played Joe Pesci . I was surprised Anders didn't point this out but if you're trying to think up insults for wannabe writers wasting your time then maybe you don't get much time to watch films . One thing I have noticed about the human race after finding the IMDb is far too many people watch films but don't have the intellectual capacity to offer any insight to them
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