Review of The Pagan

The Pagan (1929)
Disappointing Renee Adoree number
8 August 2013
Unlike most reviewers, I watched this movie specifically because it stars the beautiful French actress Renee Adoree. She gets top billing over Dorothy Janis, although her character gets half the screen time of Janis (who is also admittedly beautiful). Presumably because Adoree was the more accomplished actress. Adoree is wasted in her role as a prostitute with no clients. Sample come- on line: "Hi there Cutie." Oh, and she chews gum. Although a hooker in Tahiti, she wears enough clothes for a Minneapolis January. There is one in-joke scene where a couple of French gendarmes give her the bums rush and the title card says she wished she "spoke their language" to tell 'em what-for. This film is so incredibly racist and imperialist only a FOX-News viewer would defend it. Tragically, Adoree would die of tuberculosis (!) less than four years later, aged 35. Navarro's fate, of course, came much later but was even more tragic.
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