Munger Road (2011)
Don't waste your time
8 August 2013
There are a LOT of stories, films, and documentaries about Munger Road. Watch something else. This movie has no ending. It was good until then. The missing ending did nothing but anger us and made us hate the entire movie. Here's a tip. People rarely like to wait a week to see the conclusion of a TV series "to be continued". I sure as hell don't want it in a movie. I don't care if I've spoiled it for those who haven't seen it. I hope they don't watch it specifically because this movie HAS NO ENDING. Screw that. I won't be watching a "sequel" either because now I don't care one fig what happened to any of those people. It had good acting. It was directed well. Proved to be scary at times. But will I watch it again or watch a sequel? NOT A CHANCE. Will I recommend it to others? NO WAY! I gave it one star because I had to give it a star. DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE unless you LIKE being left hanging without resolution.
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