Review of Cake Boss

Cake Boss (2009– )
Can you say "hostile work environment" in Italian?
8 August 2013
I made it about halfway through Season Two before I bailed. It just got to be too much. The ingredients for the 'cakes' are half hardware-store, half actual food items, and less and less time seems to be spent on their construction in favor of the scripted melodrama of the family. The constant screaming (Buddy, his mother, and sister Mary are the top offenders) was overpowering. Situations like forcing one (overweight male) baker to dress up in a grass skirt and coconut-shell bra and making him appear in the shop that way in front of customers are ridiculous and add nothing to the show. (By the way, Buddy, if I were you I'd make darn sure I didn't annoy Mauro too much; he's the brains and stability of the outfit and you better know it.) A few shows later a different guy drew the short straw and had to serve customers in drag. If they weren't family, they'd probably sue (and win).

I don't mind screaming and swearing on TV... I love 'Kitchen Nightmares'. But Gordon Ramsay is witty and has a considerable amount of intelligence to back up his tornado-like approach to food preparation... Buddy Velasco does not. In the end, I just got sick of his weekly adventure, driving a NASCAR or playing pool with celebrities or... yes... jousting. I don't like Buddy and his off-site adventures bored the heck out of me.

The first time he had water and flour dumped on an employee he was 'punishing' for something, I admit I cracked a smile. By the third time it was a facepalm... THIS again?? You keep saying you're so busy, Buddy... you really got time and money to waste throwing food? Infantile, immature man-child.

If Mauro and Frankie ever take over the bakery, call me... they both have their heads screwed on straight and I think they'd do a better job running the place.
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