Tales of Tomorrow: The Duplicates (1952)
Season 1, Episode 40
Another Evil Woman
7 August 2013
This is an interesting episode. It involves a pair of parallel universes (Earth and Jupiter in this case) where exactly the same things are happening simultaneously. Darin McGavin plays an engineer who is recruited by the inhabitants of Jupiter to do a planetary exchange. For some reason never explained, this needs to be done or the two planets will declare war on each other and there will be total destruction. The subplot involves another bitter, mean spirited woman who nags and belittles her husband. It appears she lives in a nice house and though he has lost his job through no fault of his own, she continually points out that all her friends are going places and doing exciting things. The way things work out is easy to figure out. It's really odd that the character himself can't see the natural progression of things.
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