Back to Amityville...Well, Not Really
6 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? How about with several huge factual errors? The real Amityville house is located on the lake front in a tony New York suburb, and NOT in a middle-class neighborhood. The real Amityville house most recently sold for upwards of $900,000 and would not be purchased as a last resort by a family who "couldn't afford anything else." And, contrary to what the movie will tell you: since the tragic DeFeo murders and subsequent occupancy by the huckster Lutzes, a number of families have lived there for years at a time and reported nothing out of the ordinary.

Having said all that: if you're looking for a cheap, no-budget (this IS The Asylum) horror movie, you could do worse. The "camcorder" plot device makes the movie seems a lot less cheap than it is, and the acting isn't too terrible (although the father is such a Grade A jerk, you begin hoping for his premature death -- James Brolin he ain't). The plot is predictable, with only one minor (and I mean minor) surprise at the end. And with all its faults, it's still a better movie than Amityville 3-D.
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