The Vineyard (2013)
24 July 2013
This was a shipwreck in search of a final resting place. Probably the worst acting in human history! Very little use of the real Vineyard. The story lines were so artificial and contrived that they were embarrassing. It is basically an hour long commercial for The Black Dog. Let's not even get into the issue of diversity. The whole cast came from the same gene pool. I am sure teenage girls will find the male cast "dreamy" and may carry the show along for further episodes, maybe. However, if you love the real Martha's Vineyard, if you enjoy good acting, if an interesting cast is what draws your attention...then avoid this turkey with all your might! It is a vapid, meaningless waste of money and resources. You can expect the residents of Martha's Vineyard to rise up at any moment with pitchforks and torches and go in search of ABC and whoever wrote this piece of trash.
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