Awful acting, terrible directing
5 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think I can safely say this film was a terrible waste of time. First of all, the title is very misleading, as there will not even be a glimpse of the beautiful beaches and resorts in Thailand, rather, the audience will treated to images of the dusty streets and cheesy night clubs of Bucharest, the Romanian capital. Thailand is only mentioned, repeatedly, as a cheap exotic vacation spot, "only the plane ticket costing a little bit more". The film starts on New Year's eve with a sex scene between Radu and his girlfriend, Adina. This however, is not a quality sex scene in any way, being devoid of any hint of passion or emotion. You might be forgiven to believe that the guy is having sex with a random street prostitute. Any decent director would have sent this scene directly to the cutting board, but it seems Mr. Negoescu decided it should be good enough for the pornographic subculture of the Romanian youth. The movie goes on to show a bunch of trivial and meaningless dialog and, skipping to the middle of the movie, Radu, without any particular reason, dumps Adina and begins a journey through cheesy nightclubs, trying to find his ex girlfriend, Nadia. Adina's character ends abruptly, never to be seen again in the film. The movie goes on with some more meaningless dialog between Radu and his either drunk or stoned friends and culminates with him eventually finding the apparent love of his life, Nadia. Nadia, unsurprisingly, is not happy about his intentions, reminding Radu that he has broken her heart and she has since moved on. However, after a fight that almost becomes physical, she suddenly has a change of heart and seems to have forgiven him. The film ends exactly as it began, in Radu's nearly dilapidated apartment with another sex scene, just as bad as the first one.
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