Hong Kong: Colonel Cat (1960)
Season 1, Episode 8
A Bad Debt
31 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
HONG KONG – Colonel Cat – 1960

Rod Taylor headlines this 1960-61 series as a newsman who is stationed in Hong Kong. Taylor is constantly in trouble with various shady types who are always involving him in their troubles. It usually takes several round of fisticuffs, a dead body or two and a gun battle before things get settled. This is the eighth episode.

Taylor is at a dinner party thrown by a wealthy banker friend, Herbert Marshall. Also at the party are the banker's wife, Kate Givney, his daughter, Sarah Marshall and his son, John Lassell. Several high officials of the Hong Kong Police including Taylor's friend, Inspector Lloyd Bochner are in attendance as well. During the party, Lassell excuses himself. He has been summoned by a phone call to take care of a personal problem.

Lassell drives to the outskirts of town where he meets Teru Shimada. Shimada it turns out is the ex-commander of the Japanese prison camp in Hong Kong during WW2. Lassell had been a prisoner there. For better treatment from the Japanese, Lassell had traded bearer bonds to Shimada. Shimada had buried the bonds just before being arrested by the Allies at the end of the war.

Shimada had done 15 years in prison for war crimes. He has now returned to dig up the bonds. He wants Lassell to cash them, or he will tell everyone about their deal. This of course would destroy Lassell's father's banking business. The two head to a hill area, there, they discover that a small warehouse has been built at the site of the buried bonds. Lassell gets a laugh out of this but Shimada is not amused. He loses his cool and beats Lassell to death. He then drives the body a few miles down the road and dumps it.

The next day, Lassell's body is found. The Police are called in and of course Taylor likewise becomes involved. Marshall and the family ask Taylor to have a quiet look into the matter. Taylor heads out to touch base with local bar owner, Jack Kruschen. Kruschen had been in the Japanese prison camp at the same time as Lassell. Kruschen tells Taylor about the brutal treatment they all received from "Colonel Cat" (Shimada). Kruschen promises to keep an ear to ground for any info on Lassell's murder.

Shimada is spending his nights at work in the warehouse. He is digging down to where he hid the bonds. He has arranged for a small boat from Macao to take him off the island when he is ready. But the boats captain, Joseph Ruskin tries to squeeze for a bigger cut. Shimada, however, has no sense of humor and puts a bullet in Ruskin's head. He then steps onto Ruskin's small boat and dispatches Ruskin's two crewmen. Shimada needs one more night of digging before he can recover the bonds. He figures he can always find someone to get him off the island.

Barman Kruschen hears from an old woman who swears she has seen the infamous Colonel Cat buying some food earlier. She points him in the direction of the hilltop warehouse. Kruschen sends a message to Taylor on what he has learned, then heads out for a look at the warehouse.

The swine, Shimada has just finished digging up the bonds. Now for a quick trip to the waterfront and a sneak exit from Hong Kong. He has the bad luck to run into Kruschen. Kruschen has a few prison scores to settle with the former Prison Camp commander. Shimada draws a gun and starts blasting. Down goes Kruschen in a heap. Taylor now drives up and joins the fight. Shimada's pistol jams so he draws a blade. A first-rate knockabout happens with Taylor getting a knife in the ribs before overcoming Shimada.

The next scene has both Taylor and Kruschen recovering in hospital. Police Inspector Bochner is telling the two, that Shimada is most likely going to get sentenced to a long fall, with a short piece of rope.

I have not seen a bad episode of this series yet. Sarah Marshall was Herbert Marshall's real life daughter.

The director of this episode is, Budd Boetticher. Boetticher is well known to noir and western fans. His noir include, THE MISSING JUROR, ASSIGNED TO DANGER, BEHIND LOCKED DOORS, THE RISE AND FALL OF LEGS DIAMONDS and THE KILLER IS LOOSE. He is best known however, for a string of tightly produced and directed westerns starring, Randolph Scott. These are considered by many to be among the best westerns ever made. These films are SEVEN MEN FROM NOW, THE TALL T, BUCHANAN RIDES ALONE, WESTBOUND, RIDE LONESOME and COMANCHE STATION.

The story was by Oscar nominated Robert Buckner. The d of p was two time, Oscar nominated, Phillip Lathrop. His work include 60 episodes of PETER GUNN and the films, EXPERIMENT IN TERROR, THE PINK PANTHER, 36 HOURS, THE CINCINNATI KID, GUNN, POINT BLANK and THEY SHOOT HORSES DON'T THEY.
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