Battlefield 1943 (2009 Video Game)
Can't beat 15 dollars.
30 July 2013
Well I just re-downloaded it today after watching Xcal playing it with Waldo Dude. Not that you'd know who they are. Frankly, I've been having a hankering to play some 1942, but absolutely hating playing on Origin, Bf3 sucks on PC. Well 1943 is the best I could get, and for being a 15 dollar game, it's sad that it is in fact better than bf3.

Sure you only get three maps, and only three pre set weapon kits. That I don't mind, it feels like old school battlefield. The tanks are garbage, the planes feel so stiff when you pilot it, half the time I can't even control them. Almost as bad as BF2 flight controls. The simplicity is what makes this game great. It's just you and your gun against everyone. Even your own teammates don't have any idea what to do. Their levels mean nothing if you can't hold your own. This game lacks team work, a bit of a downside. The controls are worse than god awe full, it gets me real upset how unresponsive the controls are. It is visually the same as BFBC2, but feels nowhere near the same. And for that the game has a higher difficulty, not from the weapons or players, but the controls them selves. And another problem is the spawn system, for one, I can't seam to select any spawn I want, but instead what the game lays out for you. And another is enemies spawning right on top of you as you are trying to secure a base. It wouldn't be so bad if the capture points weren't 10 feet in diameter, it worked back in the day, but it doesn't work now considering the destructible environments. The graphics are great to look at, they are more appealing then the bland graphics of bf3. And lastly, the bayonet is the most powerful weapon in the game, you can spawn camp a base with it alone. I got a quad feed in the matter of 8 seconds or less. I then followed it up with a triple in 4 seconds flat. Battlefield is always a good game if you want nice kill-feeds, I've done some crazy stuff on a turn of a dime throughout the series, that makes me laugh out load.

So, for 15 dollars you could get at least 24 hours out of it. It's pretty fun to play when things go your way. It is much more BF than BF3 is( because BF3 is a cod clone).
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