How I Met Your Mother: Bad Crazy (2013)
Season 8, Episode 16
Ted failed attempt to break up with his girlfriend leads to a comical situation meanwhile robin and Marvin have a adventure with mike Tyson,
28 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
future Ted says to his kids that he previously claimed that he wanted to settle down but had a nice time in new york city as a single ready to mingle guy. but the last women he met before settling down was a insane creepy girl called Jeannette who burnt his apartment and all his stuff.

Robin's aversion to holding babies continues to assert itself; she has never held Marvin in the eight months since he was born. When Lily leaves Marvin's favorite pacifier on a city bus, she asks Robin to watch Marvin as she chases down the bus. In Lily's absence, Robin tries to rock a crying baby Marvin by actually lifting the stroller. An old woman comes by and helps her comfort the baby. However, as Robin and the old woman talk, the stroller with baby Marvin on it rolls into the street. Noticing that Robin is shaking from the cold after safely retrieving the stroller, the old woman accompanies them to the Lusty Leopard and Robin leaves Marvin in the woman's care while going to the bathroom. Robin returns with Marvin to the same spot before Lily comes back with the pacifier, and initially claims nothing unusual happened. However, flash forwards show that Robin gradually confesses everything during wine-drinking sessions with Lily in 2017, 2025, 2027, 2029, and 2030. Each time, Lily gets progressively angrier at Robin's irresponsibility - until Robin admits that the "old woman" was actually Mike Tyson, who is a senator in 2030.

Ted, Marshall and barney discuss Ted's failed attempt in breaking up with Jeannette and afterward Jeannette captures Ted's room while Ted is out. Ted blames barney and Marshall and tries to talk Jeannette into breaking up. again he fails and then lily advises him to stay with Jeannette the time being as he also needs that kind of crazy.

At some point in the near future, Jeannette wreaks havoc in Ted's apartment; sulking on the street with his friends amidst fiery wreckage, Ted says he is really ready to settle down.
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