Review of Paperman

Paperman (2012)
paper is like human's heart
26 July 2013
This is a love story that is accomplished by paper. A man encounters his fated woman by a piece of paper. He tries to get her attention by paper. Then, he and she meet again by paper. This film is made by Walt Disney Studio. What do you think paperman is? In this film, paperman's heart is described as paper. When he meet her, when he wants to get her attention, and when he tries to find her, it is interesting that the way of moving of paper. In addition, its sounds are made by only flapping paper, except for back music. I like it. I think human's heart is like paper. I think it is a good representation that his love as paper plane. It would not go straight, and it is hard to reach to lover. However, this film tells me that it is important to try and not to give up. Because, your paper plane finally will reach your lover someday.
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