Review of Pilot

The Bridge: Pilot (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Very Realistic and Interesting Masterpiece of A Pilot Episode
23 July 2013
'The Bridge', adapted from a Scandinavian T.V. crime series, 'Bron\Broen', follows two detectives, one from the US and one from Mexico, who follow a serial killer working on both sides of the Mexican\American border and kicks off with the pilot episode.

When I watched a pilot episode, I couldn't find any problems with it. There was nothing that I thought what unrealistic or stupid or didn't fit in. It also wasn't boring. It was a very interesting opening to the series. It's also not just about the detectives. There are several other characters who I believe all have something to do with this. Those characters aren't explained yet, but I think they'll serve a purpose. The acting is good, I believe that all of these people are the characters they play. Ones that work together have chemistry between each other. The characters are also very strange, which would be hard to pull off for the writing... But it was pulled off. The events that happen in this episode build up intensity and trauma that show that this is "real". You feel people's reactions to the things that happen to them. Also, there's a very unique story line and events with the serial killer that I've never seen before. Those aspects are really really good in the story: they fit well, they add interests, and they make it better.

The reason this episode isn't excellent is because even though, basically the whole episode was enjoyable, I didn't enjoy every second of it and I didn't think it was excellent as a whole. That's not saying anything bad about it. It's a 90 minute T.V. episode (including commercials), it's going to have parts that aren't as good as others. Not every part of it will be enjoyable. 'The Bridge' has it's 9/10 rating because there was nothing wrong with it, it was very interesting, it had good acting, writing and characters, I've never seen some of the aspects in it before, those aspects worked well, and it was very enjoyable.

The pilot episode of 'The Bridge' set the bar very high for the rest of the season, or even the rest of the series. It was a great opening to 'The Bridge', and I will continue to watch 'The Bridge' as it comes on weekly. I very much recommend this episode to anyone who is thinking about seeing it, and I recommend watching the series as it goes on. My 9/10 rating means 'Pilot', episode one of season one of the 'The Bridge' is great.
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