Perry Mason: The Case of the Fickle Fortune (1961)
Season 4, Episode 15
A very well done episode
18 July 2013
When a County Tax official, Ralph Duncan, is probating items in a house when he comes across some old money called 'greenbacks'. Against departmental policy Duncan takes the money home to show his wife. However someone stole the money out of his briefcase and Duncan goes to Perry for help.

Later Duncan gets a call from a woman advising that the greenbacks is over at a house that is owned by Lloyd Farrell. And as you can guess, Duncan goes over to Farrell's house, all my himself, and finds Farrell dead. With Farrell's suspicious past Lt Tragg believes that Duncan was stealing and Farrel was fencing and this could have been going on for many years. When something went wrong Duncan killed Farrell. Duncan is charged with murder.

There is many suspects. From a flighty cousin, a nervous secretary to an accountant that stumbles on the witness stand- this will leave the viewer guessing. But when all looks lost, Perry will get help from a nurse at a county home to bring this case to a close. A very well done episode.

Welcome back William Talman!
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