Very Surprised....Very Funny
10 July 2013
I saw this movie last night with two buddies of mine and before it started I thought this movie would be funny in the beginning, then drag on and lose it's steam as time went by. I was glad I was wrong. The film was extremely funny, well written, and performed.

This isn't an exact spoiler, but: Michael Cera (I'm not a fan of his at all) is one of the funniest characters in the film. He definitely earned majority of the laughs in the beginning of the movie.

Although "This Is The End" is your typical 'buddy-buddy' movie, it delivers a meaningful message for everyone in the audience. I enjoyed the immature humor, inappropriate behavior, and crudeness from each character. It also helped to see it with an audience who shared the same sense of humor that the movie delivered. My advice for future audience members: Pre-game with a few beers and see this movie with your friends. You won't regret it.
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