Hilarious in parts!
10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This played at a convention I attended with a, um, less than capacity crowed.

The first time I attempted to watch it I got a little bored. Extreme violence in movies doesn't really bother me and the story was pretty weak. I left a few times to do other things not really being into this movie. I probably left for 15 minutes 3 times during the film. I did however take notice of how the movie was at least attempting to shock and felt there was potential to have done something really interesting that I missed.

After RIHMN finished, I went back to check out the next movie. Well, the convention didn't have the disk for some reason and the less than a handful of people there opted to have this play again as they had not been there the last screening. So I gave it another chance.

Well, I must say that I found this movie hilarious the second time through.

There is one scene that is in the middle so I don't know if it is a spoiler or not but you have been warned whether warranted or not.

There is a gang rape scene where one guy after the other is raping our sleazy heroine revenge-taker-to-be. There is a perverted cripple watching the entire proceedings smiling like a $%#$$@@. This guy is having a jolly good time watching all this go on. Well, when the other guys finish, two guys grab each side of him, lift him up and throw him in front of her and he enjoys a go at her too.

It was just so wrong and this guy was just so gleeful, I was about to bust out in laughter. However, I had no indication from either screening that anyone else was enjoying this movie. The best I could tell, everyone had been appalled by this movie. I was worried that I would be laughing where they were being sickened. So I controlled myself.

It reminded me of the grandpa is a one hitter scene in Texas Chainsaw where grandpa can't even lift the damn hammer (or whatever he used) and everyone is around him yelling that he's a 'one hitter' and for him to hit her. That part cracked me up! Again so wrong but absurd and hilarious.

Now, I am not really sure if this was intended to be funny or not. I tried to find the director to ask him however whenever I went to the associated table, he was not there.

Other reactions I had was that the acting was pretty good by several characters including the main lady (a prostitute) and her junkie boyfriend. The main pimp's acting, however, was awful and pulled down the movie, especially when the junkie and him were interacting.

There is a good amount of sexual violence in this movie to sleaze it up.

However, the story is especially weak and the ending revenge is far too mild compared to what was deserved. So this movie goes a lot further than what you would expect but does not have an appropriately horrific revenge finale. Revenges that proceeded the last revenge were worse than the one she gives the main antagonist.

Overall, I would definitely recommend it. I don't consider it great by any means but I did have a great time and almost bust out laughing at the comedy in it (whether or not it was intended).
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