Great Movie, for the most part.
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I find out about the first "The Snow Queen" around 2005. Getting it for my birthday was a definite excitement! Being a kid I loved fairy tales, and of course darker fairy tales like this. Anyway, the first movie was phenomenal and I will always keep it and watch it over and over again. Now for "The Snow Queen's Revenge". In my opinion it was just as good as the first one, but lacked the sense of adventure and wonder that a child looks for in a movie about fairy tales. The voice acting was amazing however. I only wish that Tom, Ellie's brother, was in this one. This one however contained more, dark-ish characters. For example: When Ellie and Peeps fell off of Brenda, they were rescued by a treasure seeking husband and wife team. After learning that they where wanted by the snow queen they decided to lock them up and turn them in for money. Other then that it was a great movie and I would definitely see it again and again. But the last thing is that there is no THIRD MOVIE! After all, at the end the Snow Queens eyes glow ominously, even after she was in-cased in lava, thus saying she is alive. Why didn't they make another to not leave the audience hanging... AGAIN! Well, that's my review hope you enjoyed!
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