Day 1000 (2010)
Loneliness Is A Terrible Thing
7 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A mysterious plague has struck the world . A young man called David has now spent 1000 days alone living isolated in his home

This is a short film featuring the apocalypse . It's left for the audience to make up their own mind as to the cause and effect but I'm guessing it didn't involve Brad Pitt or Zombies . In other words this is a sensible view of the end of the world and the lack of scope shouldn't be taken as a criticism

Much of 1000 DAYS relies upon a plot turn at the end as to what is under David's house but anyone with any intelligence can see it coming . If someone has been stuck in the house for two and a half years and they're able to eat out of a can this isn't a plot hole , it just means some has been well prepared for doomsday

It's a short film of three distinct acts , one of David on his own being tortured by solitude , David meeting fellow survivor Claire and Claire falling out with David and one wonders if there's a subtext here about normal relationships between cohabiting couples breaking down but couples staying together due to the fact that anything is preferable to loneliness

It's refreshing to see a low budget film featuring the end of the world that is well acted and both cast members are very good giving understated performances . Normally this type of American cinematic story that apes the plot and style of MAD MAX but thankfully not here . The final pay off isn't as hard hitting as it pretends to be but this is ironically down to it being well thought out
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