Review of Imp

Man from Atlantis: Imp (1978)
Season 1, Episode 15
Moby just wants to have fun
4 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A man-child who just wants everybody to have fun poses a serious threat. Whenever he, Moby (Morita), touches someone they start to act funny; enjoying silly pranks and laugh constantly...but also put themselves in serious danger. Mark and his team are on the case.

A first for "Man From Atlantis" here; three people actually perish as a result of Moby and his quest for everyone to simply have fun. Three workers in an underwater lab go out for a swim and apparently die as a result of Moby touching them. There also seems to be a moment of withdrawal when Moby isn't in the vicinity of those he's touched.

If you think about it; this could actually be a somewhat scary premise in a series that would treat it seriously. But as is here; it's just played out in the kid-friendly manner we've become accustomed to with this series (despite the three deaths). In the end all it takes is for Mark to simply explain to Moby that he's posing a real threat and he wouldn't want those people to hurt themselves. Moby agrees and goes to wherever he came from.

"Imp" isn't a painful chore to sit through. It's fairly entertaining and everyone involved gets to act a little silly and it's somewhat funny. Once again we have a premise that could have gone somewhere interesting but it doesn't and that about sums up "Man From Atlantis". Huge potential, good concept and a great leading man but it falls short and doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. But as a Cult TV show; it's at the very least quite interesting and "Imp" is an OK episode.
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