Review of 42

42 (2013)
A Real Life Superhero
1 July 2013
When I saw Jackie put on that 42 jersey and walk out on the first game as a Dodger, I couldn't help but to see him as a real life superhero. Now I am not a fan of baseball, but I just couldn't dislike the movie. It is such a heartwarming and compelling real life story of a man who made it against all the odds. Jackie Robinson became on of the greatest of all times, helped shape the sport, inspired and changed people's view on racism.

I have no complaints. The cast did a brilliant job in portraying the characters. The story was interesting and well told, kept my attention all throughout. I only thought the movie could have been even longer, I wouldn't mind it. It felt like the story was rushed even with 2 hours.

So even if you are not a sports fan or if you dislike baseball, I can't recommend this movie enough. It deals with cultural, psychological and spiritual themes and shows us the strength of a human spirit. The message I got out if it is to never stop believing in yourself, even in toughest of times. 9/10
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