Deadgirl (2008)
WTF??? (Spoilers Galore)
30 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of both the zombie sub-genre, and ambitious indie films. I came across "Deadgirl" on a list of most underrated indie horror films. I settled in thinking that the premise had a lot of promise to actually generate some chills and nail biter moments and boy oh boy was I wrong. Deadgirl is a juvenile,unambitious, convoluted film that doesn't know what it wants to convey and has plot/event holes in it that you could drive a semi-truck through sideways.I allowed myself to follow the cliché main characters' angst-ridden journey to the abandoned mental asylum, all the way to the unsealing of the ominous door that contained the title character, The Dead Girl. What followed was a confused, lazy approach to story telling that left me asking more questions that it even attempted to answer. The cheesiness was overshadowed only by the depth of the misogynist,homo-erotic exhibitionist overtones.J.T and Wheeler seem not only OK with,but anxious to watch each other have sex with "Joann", and eager to bring Ricky into the fold(s)necrophilia, as a taboo subject matter, is nothing new to me as I saw Jorg Buttgereit's "Nekromantik" almost 2 decades ago, to much better effect. This story is so full of undefined,lazily written elements it became frustrating to watch. The school parking lot beat down and subsequent kidnapping of Ricky and Wheeler was both unbelievable and completely stupid. Follow that up by antagonist/jock/bad-boy Johnny's being goaded into oral sex with the carnivorous Joann and you have a clear picture of the childish,ridiculous devices used to tell this potentially interesting story. I won't even begin to question seemingly random,misused elements like: the ominous black dog that I had assumed had some supernatural link to Joann(boy was I wrong; why Wheeler's whining,screeching admission of having their own private sex-slave motivated Johnny to even bother to kidnap Wheeler and Ricky and investigate the asylum. There are so many completely unreal and stupid attempts at moving the story along, that this already lengthy review would be twice as long as it already is.I will concede that Joann's makeup special effects are masterfully done and chilling (see: Ricky's daydream.) If you are about 14 years old, completely bored, and have no sense of the art of story narrative, please watch this movie. Anyone else that watches this ridiculous B.S is pretty much wasting an hour and change that will leave you feeling dumber for the experience.
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