Review of The Wiving

Gunsmoke: The Wiving (1974)
Season 20, Episode 6
This is no middle ground in this episode.
27 June 2013
This is one of those episodes that a viewer is going to really like or absolutely despise. There is not much middle ground to this show since a viewer really does not know how to take this show. Was it a drama or an all out comedy? It was very hard to decide.

The story was good but it really came down to the actors in the story. The young people made the show entertaining but one actor seemed to overplay his part. Now, I am a fan of Harry Morgan but in this show Harry Morgan's push way too far to make his character unrealistically funny. Instead his character came across as Rip Van Winkle on speed- which in turn made the show almost unbearable. But if you overlook Morgan's acting the show really is a nice story about love in the old west. And anytime love is found it is hard to be negative about the outcome.
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