I found it a big let-down compared to the Lord of the Rings trilogy
10 June 2013
Let me open by saying that I totally enjoyed the Lord of the Rings trilogy and watched all three parts a total of four times to date. I savoured the texture and sheer quality of almost every aspect of these works. Above all the design, the direction, the musical scores, the acting, and the editing were superb. I was therefore really looking forward to seeing the Hobbit.

It would appear that my experience of the Hobbit goes against the tide of general opinion. Truth is, I simply did not enjoy The Hobbit, not in the least.

For me it was a resounding let-down! The Hobbit had me bored stiff within 45 minutes, and I left after one hour, I just could not take any more of it. Maybe I was in a funny mood or having a bad hair day, I was just bored by it. At some later stage, in a few month time perhaps, I will try and watch it again. If my experience is very different, I will write another review, and apologise to Peter Jackson, and the many fans of The Hobbit.

The general feel that came over to me from the film was one of; "the return of .... part 18", a dim after-image, an echo of an original and fine musical score, and, to my perception, a pantomime approach when compared with Lord of the Rings.

The pace was intolerably slow, many of the characters were no more than plastic Muppets. So I quickly became frustrated but decided to wait and see if it picked up a bit, how often I have done that at a movie, and how often my first instinct proved right.

Sad to say, it just dragged on and on at the same – lame pace, with hardly a sparkle of craftsmanship, the enthusiasm, the inventiveness, the visual beauty, and sheer genius that were so present in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

All I can say to The Hobbit is, that from my experience, Peter Jackson seems to have dropped the ball on this one.
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