Sci-fi B movie awesomeness
10 June 2013
Bugs! Bugs! Is usually what your internet dweeb Brandon shouts every time he sees a spider. Hola that's right I am back again for another review. If you get that quote then you love this cheesy sci-fi action, war movie as much as I do. This is a cult classic if I have ever seen one and too my surprise that this movie is in fact based off a book. This I never knew because apparently the book promotes fascism and a military style of world. Where the movie doesn't promote it but shows sort of what the world would be like if we did do such a thing. I just have to say one thing if you haven't seen the sequels and you thought this movie was fun, just forget about them because those sequels are terrible, I watched the third one and wow was that bad on so many levels they did not progress well.

In case you don't know this movie is about a bunch of dudes that look like they walked right off the set from Aliens in a intergalactic war with a bug race known as Arachnids. These things very from the generic drones to big a** fire breathing monsters of beetles. The movie follows two character Jonny Rico who is this marine who kills the ever loving s*** out of some bugs and Carmen Ibanez who was Rico's ex who is a pilot and that's all she does. There are a couple of things that bug me, yeah I just made that pun. The first thing is in the beginning the aliens are hard to kill it takes almost three of them to take the bastard out. Towards the end of the movie they are dying from a bullet or two. It was very inconsistent in the terms of the plot and such. I also have to point out they "nuke" the bug holes and I have to say call it something else guys. I know I am looking for logic in a Sci-fi movie but if that is a nuke you aren't going to be only 50 yards away from the hole and be OK. It is Sci-fi make up a name for it then I won't question it. Honestly I've just seen this movie too many times I am reading way too into this film. It has a generic plot but I have to say damn they are not afraid to kill anybody off in this film. I won't say who but they cut there cast almost down to a hand full of people so be prepared.

This movie for being a B Sci-fi film has some pretty damn good special effects. The Arachnids look pretty well done they don't look as CG as you'd expect. Unlike in the third movie where they look like someone did them on a lap top these are very professional looking. I also have to say the practical gore is just the best and this movie has gore. They aren't afraid to rip a guys face off right in front of the camera there is no shaky cam or cut away to hide what is happening.

This movie was directed by Paul Verhoeven who directed two of my favorite 80's movies Total Recall and Robocop. What drives me nuts is most directors if the movie is based off a book will read the book. Not this guy he didn't like the book and made a movie anyways which I think he lucked out that this became a cult classic. I am curious what movie we would've seen if he read the book entirely. Normally I mention the screen writer because they are a lot of what happens in this movie but damn I don't know the lines in this film were bad. When I said it was cheesy this is cheesy, it also doesn't help the only good actor in the movie is everyone's favorite Michael Ironside. This guy is awesome in the movie; while the main character Jonny Rico ( Casper Van Dien) was way over acting. This guy is a big, big straight to DVD, or straight to cable actor and it shows. He over acted the s*** out of his role but I'll hand it to him being it was a B movie the guy was perfectly cast for this film.

Overall in the end of the day if you are a film snob and you hate campy fun films then stay the hell away from this. If you are that guy or girl who loves Sci-fi and loves gore and that's all you need in a movie then pick this s*** up it is so worth watching. I have a weird love for this film I am one of its supporters I have to give it a B-. I give it such a high righting for a B movie because you have to see it and if you do and like it you'll want to own it as well.

go to bloodyscreen.weebly.com for more reviews sucka.
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