Get your rocks off with the Pink Panther!
3 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Heh, I just love the little intro thingy where the Panther emerges from the pink ether! He's so cool, that he wasn't even born, he simply coalesced out of the aura of his own awesomeness!!! Aww yeah... Okay, the animation is the typical ugly-ass variety that you generally get with a Panther cartoon, except of course for the character himself who always managed to keep the shorts just above water and made them worth watching by his enchantingly enigmatic presence alone somehow. This one's a little better than the usual fare. In case you didn't know it's a remake of the earlier "Rocky Pink" short, of which I think this is a slight improvement because some of the music and colouring is a little better, and I think the added animation at the end where the boulder bounces through the town like a pinball machine really adds to the momentum and fun of the show. This to me is better than average because of its bizarre hook: A ridiculous creepy living rock who bounds and rolls after the Panther like a dog in a comical fashion. I have no idea why. It's so freaky and absurd! Just a stupid gimmicky idea that doesn't make sense! Is this rock coming from Galaxy X or what!? What is this s**t!?! I don't even know! Oh god... But I digress, I love it, it's so good! The only thing I can think of that possibly drew inspiration from this was a great joke they had on Family Guy once involving a pet rock! Real nice loopy fun offering for the series... Oh darn it, I never quite know how to end these things-OK, that's it, I''m done, toodles, bye-bye!!!!
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