Madea's Class Reunion (2003 Video)
Bro. B.I.B.'s Class Review
31 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Madea's Class Reunion" is awesome! As I said before, I prefer this play over some of Tyler Perry's other plays; at the time this came out, it was my favorite play of his. It's funny, and knows when to pull back; it's dramatic, but not too heavy; the songs are memorable and fantastic; the message is strong and powerful; the characters and likable - it's just great.

This is another production that's hard for me to critique; it's just really good. If I had to talk about something, it would be some of the songs - not all of them, just some of them (only one that comes to mind, actually). I've heard people say that the songs come out of nowhere in this play. Yes, the spiritual medley comes from nowhere, but I actually don't mind it. And like I said, that's the only song that comes from nowhere.

OK, so let's discuss the ending briefly. The ending is funny! Who would have guessed that Cora is Brown's daughter?! That's hilarious! Brown is so uptight and religious; to think that he slept with Madea one night while they were in high school is insane! (Granted, Madea spiked the punch, but it's still funny.) When my family and I saw this after it first came out on DVD in 2003, we didn't think this would be an on-going gag! Oh, but just wait...Just you wait! BOOYIKA!
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