Review of Life of Pi

Life of Pi (2012)
A marvel of technical proportions
24 May 2013
This film is a miracle. It really is. The fact that a film ten years ago that was deemed impossible by the author who wrote the book, and how far our technology has advanced is a miracle. In my opinion it blows every other film's special effects out of the water, this is the best special effects ever put on film. Another marvel is Suraj Sharma's performance. This kid had to make us believe that this huge tiger was on the boat, had to have some sort of weight to it, and most importantly, to fear it, to fear it's every move. This kid has great things ahead of him. What makes book to movie adaptations work is the story, if the story is adaptable, and the project is in steady hands, everything will be okay. That's what happened with this film. Ang Lee is a visionary, there is nothing this man can't do in regards to effects mixed with story telling to make this phenomenally crafted film. However, like the novel before it, the film has a few slow parts to it, but when it kicks into gear, it kicks into gear. That's why Life of Pi works. Which is why if you haven't- go see it.
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