A fitting tribute
23 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My sadness at Ray Harryhausen's recent passing is slightly tempered by my watching this film last night: a comprehensive retrospective, produced with his approval and participation, which clearly shows that he must have been aware of the affection and respect afforded to him by the cream of present-day fantasy film-makers, and the vast influence his body of work has had on them.

And the nice thing is that even though the film contains verbal tributes from everybody who is anybody in fantasy cinema, those comments are always in the context of making points about Harryhausen's work, where the film runs through his life and career from the initial influence of King Kong, meeting Willis O'Brien and working on Mighty Joe Young, and then visiting the films which one thinks of as Harryhausen's, one by one. Harruhausen himself offers frequent contributions and observations, and it is good to see that, as well as a who's who of cinema, the film also includes offerings from the likes of friend and literary colleague Tony Dalton, and daughter Vanessa.

It is worth commenting on the fact that the multitude of clips, trailers and soundtrack music (and not just from Harryhausen's own movies, also from those he has influenced) mean that a number of studios have provided clearances for their properties to be included in this documentary.

If I have one criticism, it is that the film doesn't add a great deal for anyone who has already taken a great interest in Harryhausen's career - it's a bit like getting a Greatest Hits album for an artist where you already have everything they have released. But for an overview of the man's career and a record of how his peers regard him and his work, it is without equal, and a most necessary film.
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