Gunsmoke: Chester's Mail Order Bride (1956)
Season 1, Episode 34
"It's My Fault for Learning to Write"
21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite 30-minute episodes that features Chester.

Chester has been corresponding to a beautiful blonde in Philadelphia; when she asks for a picture, he sends one of Matt (I can't say that I blame him). When "Ann" decides to come to Dodge City, Matt greets her, only to discover that she is not the blonde beauty in the picture (it's her sister). Chester and Ann have a talk and decide that what they wrote in the letters is how they truly feel, (picture mix-ups not withstanding), and they decide to get married. It seems that 17-year-old Ann ran away from home and her mother has taken ill because of it. The parents send a detective to retrieve her and bring her back home; after some soul-searching and sacrificing of his own happiness, Chester does the right thing.

This is a favorite of mine for a few reasons. When Chester tells the "gang" that he is getting married, Doc wants to say something, but Kitty practically shoots daggers at him--daring him to say something, so he passes on it. Then there's Nate, who hit Chester at the beginning of the episode, but is ready to pummel the detective on behalf of "the little feller" (Chester). The scene where Chester tells the party-goers that the wedding is off puts a lump in my throat and tears in eyes ever time I see it.
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