Review of Escape

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Escape (2003)
Season 5, Episode 11
Crashout in Virginia
20 May 2013
A prison break in Virginia where the Federal Marshals have reason to suspect that convicts Michael Kenneth Williams and Stephen Lang are bound for New York City brings the SVU squad into the case. As it turns out Lang is doing time for a sex crime and his former family is now in the metropolitan area.

Back in the day Lang was locked up for sexually abusing his wife Nancy Allen's son who has now grown up to be Milo Ventimiglia. Williams and Lang part company when they reach Manhattan and Lang kidnaps Ventimiglia to make him fess up the truth about what took place ten years earlier.

Federal Marshal Craig Bierko and Mariska Hargitay have some personal history between them and things look like they might reheat, but the job comes first and in the end it results in Lang's case being re-opened.

Stephen Lang's portrayal dominates this episode. Anger, hurt, resentment are all mixed into this man and we see all of it in varying quantities registered in his work.

This one should not be missed.
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