A very unusual documentary..
19 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw an early preview of this film and it had a profound effect on me. The scientific work of Dr. Gary Schwartz is innovative, brave and shocking for it's revelations on the nature of consciousness and the implications for stretching our current constructs of reality. The theme is broad and heady, and as you watch the film, you can almost feel the electricity crackling around your brain as you witness first hand scientific experiments that push through the boundaries of religion, tradition and superstition and into the realm of revelation. All the talk of photons and holographic reality might leave us drowning in scientific jargon if it weren't for the quirky personality and mischievous "spirit" of the late (?) Forrest J. Ackerman, a man whose imagination sparked the creativity of legions of today's filmmakers. Ackerman, who made no secret of his atheism and disbelief in an afterlife, famously promised to "come back" and tell us if he was wrong. It seems he has kept that promise. Diverse eyewitness and strange clues abound,and a number of phenomenon that happen as the cameras are rolling, in real time, before our eyes. I would highly recommend Paul David's earlier documentary on Ackerman, "The Sci-Fi Boys", as a primer. That film is a fascinating and entertaining exploration of the very unusual life of "Forry", and puts the current phenomenon in a historical perspective. You will also see what an influence this man has had on the film industry and his historical impact, with or without the current phenomenon.

If you approach the "Life after Death Project" with an open mind, you will see that the science is there, the experiences are happening and ongoing, and that there are quite possibly ".. more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
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