Vice: Chinese Cockblock/European Meltdown (2013)
Season 1, Episode 4
Vice Goes HBO!...Best One Yet!
19 May 2013
Episode 4 of Vice's new documentary series on HBO. It's called Love & Rockets...rockets because there is some pretty sweet shots of Anarchists in Greece firing these crazy homemade rockets.

In Chinese COCKBLOCK Thomas Morton heads off to China to look at the massive gender gap- a result of the countries 1 child policy- which has left the majority of young men fighting over the few age-appropriate girls that are available (for an economically-based union), and the pressures these young men face as a result. To investigate, Morton throws himself into the market. He hires the countries' self-described best matchmaker, and goes to a park where Chinese parents meet to barter their young daughters off, in what, to some may seem a rather crude and humorous fashion. Morton doesn't seem to be a winner in the eyes of the Chinese parents, so he enters himself into some odd public competitions where young men go to show off (karaoke, dancing), with hopes of attracting a fair Chinese maiden for a nuptual relationship. T-$ gets a girl this time- probably paid off- and the two head to the matchmaking agencies, kafkaesque pre-arranged "first date". Morton fails to impress her with his small foreign stature, and thus goes to meet a few of the other local guys who, too, failed to find a girl in what is probably the shittiest pussy market on earth. On top of all this, these single guys who can't even find a chick- likely cause they work blue collar jobs- are expected to care for the elders of both their parents extended families on either side. That's a lot of pressure...and likely to give a guy blue balls. (segment 10 mins).

In European MELTDOWN, Shane Smith takes us, first, to Spain and then to Greece to take a look at the radical movements that have erupted in response to austerity measures which are devastating people's lives, especially the youth. He first travels to Spain, where he hangs out with an anarchist movement that is working to help shut down Madrid for a General Strike in opposition to austerity measures which has youth unemployment at 50% (total unemployment 25%). He then heads to Greece, where he takes a look at how extremism is on the rise as a result of these measures. He talks with members from the radical right racist/xenophobe and very violent Golden Dawn, and their mortal enemies...the Anarchists, with whom they battle on a regular basis. Smith concludes by speaking with a few masked Anarchists about the war of Anarchists vs Fascists (+Police) that's raging on in the streets of Greece. (segment 17 mins)
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