the final minutes are really quite good
17 May 2013
The most positive thing I can say about this film is that it is that little bit different, that the two leads work their socks off and there is decent use of soundtrack music. Indeed the final minutes are really quite good as we reach a climax in a film studio and things almost get quite tense. The same cannot be said for the rest of this no budget outing without a story. I can see that maybe it appeared, maybe even was, a good idea to have a pair of guys on the run holed up with one of them adopting women's clothes as a disguise but for how long is this going to be amusing to anyone watching? As I say the two leads are really pretty good but the supporting cast is nowhere to be seen, limp hardly the word, but then the dialogue they are given is crap. Perhaps the most unforgivable aspect to this would be slasher is that the gory scenes are covered over with colour washes so that the impact is nullified, I wonder whose stupid idea that was. So we are left with very little other than some amusement and a decent ending. Trouble is we are waiting for that ending for what seems ages.
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