Perhaps in Israel, university scientists are considered kooks.
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I assume I saw the same movie as did a previous reviewer, "amirrunoron from Israel," and yet, it appears we may have watched two entirely different films. Amirrunoron said the movie started on a good note, "showing us scientists with credentials..." and then it supposedly goes downhill from there. Amirrunoron then suddenly refers to them as "scientists." To put quotation marks around a word like that strongly implies that these individuals are not, in fact, real scientists. Amirrunoron, how did you come to that conclusion? Did you do an in-depth investigation of the three scientists in the film and determine that they were "psychics, kooks and charlatans"? From your comfortable position as an armchair critic, did you ascertain that these individuals were lying about the work they've done that led them to consider there might really be something to this Ackerman-speaking-from-the-grave possibility? If you haven't done the legwork yourself that proves these scientists are wrong or lying or both, then your opinion in this matter carries no weight or validity. This documentary is an excellent eye-opening attempt to open the Pandora's Box of possibilities that can lead us to some amazing and life-changing paradigm shifts on this planet. Let's try to not incorrectly judge people, simply because it's often easier to bury your head in the sand rather than staying open to new ideas.
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