The Great Stinkeroo
16 May 2013
I believe this is the third remake of the Great Gatsby . Unfortunately, whatever faults the original film may have had is nothing compared to this silly time waster . Fine actors have been replaced by lots of stupid CGI's you would expect to find in your run of the mill action flick . Lot's of needless car races between Gatsby in his yellow Duesenberg and next door neighbor friend Nick Carraway who drives a blue Auburn Speedster . In one scene they speed all the way to get to a Harlem nightclub to watch a risqué show with scantily clad ladies dancing to Hip Hop ! Yes, the time line is 1922 but you won't hear Rudy Vallee singing in this picture . Gatsby seems to enjoy indulging himself with huge parties and millions of people he doesn't know in his gigantic mansion . The romantic plot between Gatsby and Daisy is downright boring ! I couldn't wait for this movie to end as I had absolutely no feelings for Gatsby or any of the other characters . Fortunately, Gatsby's Duesenberg survived the movie with only a cracked windshield . Don't see this movie in the theater . Instead rent the DVD for $1 when it arrives next month at your local supermarket Red Box . At least you will be able to take a snooze on your comfortable couch if you happen to doze off like I did ! Not Hot !
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