29 April 2013
I owe this film a debt of gratitude as, increasingly sick of the tiresome goings on, I loaded up Football Manager 2013 on my phone while it was still on... And I'd forgotten how much I LOVE that game. I'm playing as Rangers you see, and I'm currently unbeaten...

What? You want you know about the movie? Are you an insane masochist? What part shall I describe? The mind-numbingly bad music? The tomato sauce that's supposed to pass for blood? The MANY time-wasting sequences of teenagers at the beach, teenagers out at sea, teenagers round a camp... etc? The S L O W pace which makes it a chore to sit through? The fact that if this is worthy of an 18 certificate, I'm Bonnie Prince Charlie?

Forget it. I'm going to back to thrashing the minnows in the third division... Clyde up next. GOODIE!! 2/10
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